1. Sketch the outside of your house, indicating its width and length. Include the locations of any available outlets in your sketch.
2. Figure out and measure where your lights will go - along the eaves, around the windows, on each tree branch? Add an extra 30 feet or so to allow for the pitch of the roof. Measure the height of bushes and the height of the sections of any trees you want to light.
3. Figure out how many strings of lights you'll need based on your measurements; strings come in lengths from 25 lights to 200 lights. (For trees and bushes, figure on about 50 lights per foot of height, or double that number if you're using miniature lights.)
4. Decide what style of lights you want to use: solid, chasing or blinking? Miniature or full-size (C-7 or C-9)? White or colored?
5. Shop for lights and test them before you start hanging them. (See "How to Buy Outdoor Christmas Lights" and "How to Test Outdoor Christmas Lights," under Related eHows.)
6. Make sure your ladder is long enough to reach and that you have a secure place to set it up. It's best to have a helper to hold the ladder for you.
7. Use plastic light clips to hang the strings from your gutters and eaves. They are safer for the wires than a staple gun and much easier to remove.
8. Light your trees by starting at the base of the trunk and wrapping the lights around in a spiral. Work your way to the end of each branch, wrapping the lights around each individual branch.
9. Use full-size C-9 bulbs on evergreens. Start at the top and zigzag the lights through the center of the tree or bush, getting wider with the tree's or bush's shape.